Nitrates Water Levels & Testing

Most often, nitrates are found in shallow wells (less than 90 feet). Sources of nitrates in water can include run-off or seepage from fertilized agricultural lands, animal feed lots, and septic systems. Geologic formations and direction of groundwater flow may also affect nitrate levels in water.
High nitrate levels in drinking water pose a health risk for infants, as they have been proven to cause methemoglobinemia (“blue-baby” syndrome) which reduces the oxygen carrying capacity of the blood. Although many believe boiling water will remove nitrates, the exact opposite is true. Although boiling your water kills bacteria, it intensifies nitrates among other contaminants as pure water is boiled off (as steam), while contaminants are left behind. The EPA has adopted a primary drinking water standard for nitrates of < 10 ppm. This standard is mandatory for public water systems and should also be regarded for private water supplies.
Do I have nitrates in my water?
Unlike iron, you cannot see, smell, or taste nitrates. If your home uses well water, you should regularly schedule professional nitrate water testing. It is particularly important to do nitrate water testing when there is a pregnant woman, an infant, or elderly individuals in the home. At Delmarva, we provide professional nitrate water testing throughout the Delmarva Peninsula. Our experienced consultants have been properly trained to measure nitrates in water.
How can I correct my nitrate problem?
If our team finds that your nitrate water levels are too high, we will recommend the proper nitrate removal option for your situation. Unlike others in the industry, we will never try to over-sell you on any nitrate water treatment products you don’t need.
Delmarva Water Solutions can easily remove nitrates with our water treatment services, including:
DWS-N03 Whole House System
EcoWater’s ERO-385point-of-use, drinking water system
Contact us for information about our nitrate water testing, treatment, and filtration options throughout the Delmarva Peninsula.