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Signs It’s Time To Upgrade Your Water Softener System

Signs It’s Time To Upgrade Your Water Softener System

Water softeners play an essential role in homes with hard water; they remove minerals like calcium and magnesium from water to prevent buildup on your pipes, and even your clothes and skin. Unfortunately, like other appliances, water softeners break down, and you’ll need to replace them.

Usually, water softeners last 10 to 15 years, but that varies depending on your home’s water quality. For example, if your water is extremely hard or you get your water supply from a well containing higher iron levels, your water softener works harder than most.

Generally, you would need to replace it at the lower end of its projected lifespan. However, even though there isn’t an exact date for when you should replace a water softener, there are signs it’s time to upgrade your water softener system.

Lathering Problem

Are you having trouble getting soap to lather? Dealing with stubborn soap is a telltale sign your water softener needs to be serviced or replaced.

If you’re going through soap and shampoo faster than usual, that’s an indication the water softener isn’t removing the minerals from hard water. The minerals react with the sodium in soap and convert it into soap scum; this chemical reaction makes soap lathering difficult and creates buildup in your bathtub.

Scratchy Laundry

Calcium and magnesium found in hard water react with detergent the same as soap and shampoo. So, not only does this prevent your clothes from getting truly clean, but the buildup can also make the fabric stiff or scratchy. A fabric softener can help, but you should consider fixing the source.

Why? Hard water damages appliances like washing machines; instead of only upgrading your water softener, you’ll have to replace other large appliances as well.

Weird Taste

Pay attention to the taste of your tap water. Does it taste odd, like chalk or chemicals?

If so, there’s a chance the water softener isn’t filtering the water properly. Also, keep an eye on any buildup near faucets and showerheads.

The minerals from hard water like to leave buildup, especially if you rely on well water. So, if you’re concerned about the quality of your tap water, consider getting well water testing in Maryland.

Check out Delmarva Water Solutions to learn about other signs it’s time to upgrade your water softener system. In addition, we can help you determine the type of water softener that would work best in your home!