3 Signs You Need to Get a Water Softener
3 Signs You Need to Get a Water Softener
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How Contaminated Well Water Affects Your Health

How Contaminated Well Water Affects Your Health

Not all water is the same. Some people rave about drinking well water because they believe it’s purer and has fewer additives. The truth is, well water is much more susceptible to contamination. If you consume contaminated well water on a regular basis, you could do some major damage to your body. This brief article will explain how well water health issues can come from drinking the contaminated water. You may think twice about drinking it before you test it.

Cardiovascular Issues

People who consume well water regularly are more prone to experience cardiovascular issues because well water hasn’t gone through proper purification procedures. A lot of people drink it for this reason alone. They believe because the water is untouched by man that it must be better for their health. This statement isn’t true. Since well water isn’t purified, it’s can become filled with minerals and chemicals that can cause heart issues down the line. Regular intake of minerals can increase your blood pressure and make you feel like your heart races all the time. So please, keep your heart rate steady and your blood pressure low. Limit your consumption of well water to keep your heart as healthy as possible.

Skin Irritation

Contaminated well water can make your skin incredibly dry and irritated. Since well water can contain high amounts of calcium and magnesium, traces of that can end up on your skin. You’ll never feel truly clean if your pipes are filled with hard well water. Some people even see patches of dry skin form on their bodies because they always use contaminated well water. If you have extremely dry skin and you suspect it may be from well water, contact Delmarva Water Solutions immediately. We provide the best well water testing in Delaware. We’ll help you determine if increased exposure to hard well water is causing your skin issues and can offer solutions like installing a water softener into your home.

Stunted Growth in Children

Some research has shown that children who consume hard well water regularly experience stunted growth. Parents should talk to their kid’s doctor about their growth if it appears stunted. Follow the physician’s advice first. Make dietary changes and ensure your child gets enough sleep. If your kid still isn’t growing after you make those adjustments, have Delmarva Water Solutions come to your home and run some tests. If the team finds that your pipes are full of hard and contaminated well water, that could be a contributing factor as to why your kid is growing at a slow rate.